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Operation Edgelord Episode 5 - Smoother than Expected

Smoother than expected The white page stared at her from her retinal display, the cursor blinking mockingly, showing second by second all the time she was wasting. Mariam got up, grumbling, the page automatically becoming more transparent to let her see her surroundings. “What am I even supposed to write in this after action review, ‘I sat on my ass for two hours and let the Special Forces guys do all the work’ ?” “I guess? Man, at least Dinka got to shoot some baddies in the end.” dejectedly answered Zuri from her bunk - she was clearly having the same problems as her, with the added difficulty of having been the Commanding Officer for the operation. Everything had started  two days earlier, with a strange hostage exchange proposal from an anonymous source: the Nomad tech they had lost in Porto Interplanetario, Joline Sandoval, in exchange for Hsien Peng Huizhong. Only problem was that they never did capture the Hsien, despite crossing paths with him a couple of times - and indeed...
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Operation Edgelord Episode 3 - The Lessons of History

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